Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Cub Scout Adventure Program

For those who don’t know, there are changes coming to the Cub Scout program. Beginning in June 2015, all cubs will begin using a new program designed to bring out the adventures in scouting. This month, I want to finally introduce you to the new adventure model. How many of you actually know how all of the current ranks work? How does a boy earn his Tiger rank? Tiger Cubs advance using one method and Wolves another method. Bears modify and complicate the method yet again and Webelos take a whole different approach with Activity Badges. If you have been a Cub Scout leader for a while you probably have it all figured out, but, let’s pretend you are a brand new den leader or a brand new parent who has never done cub scouts before—it takes some reading, training and explaining for you to get the whole picture and to understand the differences between the ranks.

Let’s compare the difference between the Wolf and Bear ranks. Wolves currently have 12 achievements that need to be completed to earn their rank. Then they have multiple electives that they can complete to work towards their arrow points. The first 10 earn a gold arrow point and each 10 thereafter earn them a silver. Not too hard to understand. Then the boys move up and start to work on their Bear rank and now it’s different. Yes, they still have to complete 12 achievements but it’s 12 out of 24 total. 1 for God, 3 for Country, 4 for Family and 4 for self. Then just like in the wolf book there are electives and 10 gives you a gold arrow point and each 10 thereafter gives you a silver. Then you add in the fact that parts of the achievements not counted towards the rank advancement can also count towards the arrow points. Just enough different to cause more confusion. And right about the time that this structure makes sense, the boy moves up to the Webelos rank with a whole new system of activity badges, which are actually pins, a compass emblem with compass points…you get the picture.
My favorite part of the new Cub Scout Adventure program is the fact that each rank, Tiger through Arrow of Light uses the exact same advancement model. Once a parent, leader, or boy has figured out what it takes to earn that first rank (excluding bobcat – it’s still just about the same) they know what it takes to earn the next rank and the next and the next.

Each rank has the same two requirements. 1) Complete 7 adventures. 2) Complete the Parent Guide and Cyber Chip award. That’s it! Really! It will be that simple!
The number of required vs elective adventures will be different and the cyber chip award changes depending on the age of the boy but once you know it is 7 adventures for the first rank, it’s still 7 total adventures for the next rank and the next.

Another big change is immediate recognition. When a boy completes an adventure he has earned the immediate recognition for that adventure. No longer do den leaders have to keep track of how many achievements a boy has competed to earn a red or yellow bead that shows he is part way there. And the Webelos won’t be they only ones getting awards on a regular basis. It will be the same for all the boys. After a boy completes an adventure, he is awarded an Adventure Loop or Adventure Pin. If a boy completes additional elective adventures (beyond the rank) he earns another loop or pin. No more beads, no more arrow points, no more emblems.

Q – Is the “Protecting your Child from Abuse” and Cyber Chip really required for every rank now?
A – YES!  The BSA is very serious about protecting our youth and keeping them safe and this new requirement to do it for every rank shows just how serious they are.  The Cyber chip award has different requirements depending on their age so it’s not the exact same thing every time. In today’s tech heavy world this is important for the boys!
I plan to highlight parts of the changes each month in my Cub Corner. This is going to be a fun new adventure for all of us. Let’s get on board!

Upcoming Events
·       Cub Camp registration is now open!
·       2/12/12 – Roundtable @13768 S 6400 W
·       2/16/15 – Cub Winter Day Camp @Camp Tracy
·       3/12/15 – Special NEW CUB PROGRAM Roundtable @13768 S 6400 W
·       3/14/15 – Utah Scout Expo ticket sales kickoff
·       4/9/15 – Roundtable @13768 S 6400 W
·       5/2/15 – Utah Scout Expo @South Towne Expo Center
·       5/5/15 – Scout Day at Wendy’s
·       5/14/15 – Roundtable @13768 S 6400 W
·       5/16/15 – OWL (Outdoor Skills for Webelos Leaders) and BALOO (Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation) @Camp Tracy

Sign up for email reminders and information.

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